Romain Masclef

Results 4 issues of Romain Masclef

Hi, I may have found an issue with the **displaying** of the **current installed version** of a **subdependency** after **downgrading** it. For example, when I downgrade the `symfony-framework-bundle` dependency from...

Hello, I am trying to load and remove some dataFixtures ... The fixtures are correctly loaded but are never removed (remove function called in tearDown or tearDownAfterClass function does not...

Is it a good idea to have conditional validation on embed messages ? Here is an example ``` syntax = "proto3"; package example; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; service Example { rpc CreateExample...


Hey, Thank you for your work ! It looks like there is an issue using Firefox as browserType. OBSERVED BEHAVIOR --- Firefox is launched, but no page shows up. After...