
Results 23 comments of rlopzc

I tested these ones and none of them worked ``` let g:vim_json_conceal = 0 let g:indentLine_concealcursor='nc' ```

> enter vim :e $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/json.vim :g/if has('conceal')/s//& \&\& 0/ :wq This also didn't worked for me

No I didn't @Giovancruz and I didn't have the time to debug further

Hi @timcase Thanks a lot for the explanation and the reasons why not add PWA features. As you can see I've been hesitant on how to make it because I...

Same is happening for me. I was using `forceWatch: true`

@annistone awesome work! I've forked and merged your PR to use it in a project! Thanks for this https://github.com/regalii/elm-datepicker

Hi @haorenW1025 I'm using `UltiSnips`, where can I see the configuration for the popup preview you mention?

No, sorry I stopped using this package @brajnacs

@Hurtak what do you think about this? https://github.com/gyzerok/elm-outdated