Ryan Leung
Ryan Leung
Besides, supporting the custom interceptor for embed etcd is another need. See https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/13468
@ahrtr @ptabor Thanks for your reply. https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/14066#issuecomment-1163834967 make sense to me. But for now, we indeed have two requirements: 1. support changing the `MaxRecvMsgSize` which can be replaced by changing...
> The `GRPCAdditionalServerOptions` may define duplicate items as the existing conf ones. It seems that `GRPCAdditionalServerOptions` overwrites the existing items, and it's basically OK. But `GRPCAdditionalServerOptions` only takes effect in...
> I think it makes more sense to make the existing configuration items overwrite the items defined in `GRPCAdditionalServerOptions`. For example, if users define both `--max-request-bytes` and `[]grpc.ServerOption{grpc.MaxRecvMsgSize(...)}`, then the...
> The existing individual configurations should take precedence over the generic configurations `grpcAdditionalServerOptions`, and we should guarantee this from code level. > > You just need to make sure the...
> Please consider to add a verification on the configuration. If there are duplicated items, then raise an error and fail the process. Do you mean the duplicated items inside...
@ptabor PTAL
Any update on this issue?
Why do you need such a number of PDs?
@mornyx PTAL