To offer another perspective, I have to deploy my first real-world phoenix app on AWS with an infrastructure close to this example and I want a 100% IaC infrastructure, so...
If it can help others, here is what I did to enable distributed elixir using [libcluster](https://github.com/bitwalker/libcluster) with the [libcluster_ec2 strategy](https://github.com/kyleaa/libcluster_ec2) after having deployed the application. **WARNING: I am new to...
If you don't want to use nested tuples, you could also use a list of list, with something like `[a, b, c, d]`, as lists are also comparable. The root...
Yes, a list would work only if all values have the same type. This won't happen often for records fields indeed. Another way to avoid the awkward syntax of nested...
@ianmackenzie This is most likely related to #2055, which is a regression in 0.19.1 likely due to some parser optimizations. A work-around for now is to run `elm diff`, `elm...
Another example with `elm diff`: ```bash $ elm diff elm-community/typed-svg 5.2.0 6.0.0 -- PROBLEM LOADING DOCS -------------------------------------------------------- I need the docs for 5.2.0 to compute this diff, so I fetched:...
I like this. The user experience would be better if the tool was working on any application without modification. Actually, it could use all the modules found in source directories...
@Kurren123 Sure! If you want to give a try at the PR, go ahead! I'm on slack (@dmy) if you have issues.
@Kurren123 Let's make two different PRs, one that that adds the feature you propose, the other one stubbing documentation with the `-s, --strict` option.
@Kurren123 The potential issue with that is that sometimes the elm app is in a sub-directory of the project. For example, for one of my Elixir/Phoenix app, the elm application...