Rebecca Barter
Rebecca Barter
Definitely on my to-do list!
I think it would be great to have the blog post walk through an example based on publicly available data - this has been suggested by others too. Are you...
I like the idea of having many different publicly available datasets - some data are more relevant for some methods than other. It can be time consuming to find relevant...
Well I think the more places we can get our stuff the better, but people need to be aware that their stuff may be posted elsewhere. I like the idea...
Yes, but if it literally just involves sending them the already-written blog post so that they can cross-post it on their page, I don't see where the extra time and...
Hi Johanna, I'm glad you like the package! Unfortunately at the moment there is no way to incorporate your own cladogram. I can let you know if this changes and...
Hey thanks a lot for filing an issue! To help me out a little would you be able to simplify your example so I can just run the code without...
Here is a post on creating a minimal reproducible example: that might be helpful!
Have you tried the `legend.breaks` argument? (ensure you're using the github version, rather than the CRAN version)
Perhaps also set the `heat.lim` argument? It would be great if you could provide a reproducible example so I can play with it myself (I don't have access to the...