
Results 21 comments of Ryan

Some additional testing we did around this. ``` Tried "3.0" - failed Tried "0.3.0" - succeeded Tried "1.2.a" - failed Tried "" - succeeded Tried "100.200.300" - succeeded Tried "1.2.3...

Was looking for a Windows CLI only install today as well and was surprised to find there is none. Would be great to have this...just need to run some commands...

Yea we technically can't fix these VMs in 7 but they aren't necessarily excluded from being compliant either the way things are currently written (they didn't exist until later versions...

Just wanted to bring this back up. I believe it still is a duplication of data. STIG Viewer displays this data differently as it shows each CCI and it's corresponding...

@aaronlippold @Amndeep7 Can we bump this one up? This is sorely needed to manage results effectively if you have more than a handful of results saved.

Controls like this are really only in that script for to account for all controls where we would expect patch management and updates to be done separately. You could also...

I think we need a new way to handle this one without so many assumptions being made. For example the lines you are trying to remove we are assuming are...

Values changed for this one again in U3d so need to see if those new entries can be removed.

Hi @pbarrette what kind of NICs are you using? Just curious which ones do not allow you to disable iSCSI.

Ok I believe there should be a way on those. Something similar to this https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docId=kc0105837en_us&docLocale=en_US I recall being able to change the "personality" on those to enable/disable things like FCoE...