Rangi Keen
Rangi Keen
> on Windows, the AWT file chooser seems to be another odd file chooser--perhaps an older native one, but not the standard Windows 10/11 one. That looks like a bug...
> Only drawback is that a native file chooser can not use FlatLaf themes. But this should be no big problem in most cases... Would it be possible to have...
Thanks, @matthiasblaesing. This looks great and seems to work well with the minor exception (in Gnome 3 on CentOS at least) that [dragging to maximize/restore and snap to other windows...
@DevCharly, thanks for the quick update. When I entered this issue I was expecting an explanation of why this would be too difficult to implement, but I'm pleasantly surprised.
Siemens would like to see the drag and snap behavior implemented using the X11 API and would be willing to pay for its development (subject to timing and cost). @DevCharly...
@DevCharly, thanks for the offer. I'm assuming we will want the other behaviors as well. I'll contact you via email in the next couple days with more details.
@DevCharly, I sent you an email last week with details on [my earlier request for updates](https://github.com/JFormDesigner/FlatLaf/issues/482#issuecomment-1068058432). Perhaps you have been busy, but I'm wondering if the message was lost in...
I have the same issue on CentOS 7.6/Gnome 3 with NetBeans 16. It's easy to reproduce: 1. Open more tabs than will fit in the width of the tab bar...
I've only seen it with FlatLaf.
Some more data points: * I do _not_ see the issue at all with the application running on Windows 10 * I also see it when connecting via VNC (haven't...