does anyone has this working? Pretty annoying I tried everything above and nothing works. I still get `Failure executing: GET at: https://xyzzzz.us-west-2.eks.amazonaws.com/api/v1/pods. Message: Unauthorized! Token may have expired! Please log-in...
@shashank-g172 I have the following the latest. So frustrating and the token looks very much alike with that generated by the command line I put before but doesn't work. ```...
@shashank-g172 I just got it working. The issue was with the region. I was passing the region all the way which was different than US_EAST_1 but looks for STS service...
I wanted just a map of List values like below: I just wanted a field to be `private Map varieties` ``` "varieties" : { "type" : "object", "existingJavaType" : "java.util.Map",...