Rahul Jha
Rahul Jha
I will check it and get back
Looks like the message format is not as per standard, as we only have limited evidence here i dont want to change the default parser,I am providing you a workaround...
We will check the feasibility in version 3 as we already provided work around for this.
Its mentioned in the issue itself @mattweber78
no this field is coming out of the box , so to stop creating small buckets based on this field the only way i foresee is dropping the field.
Sure , we will keep you posted.
Hi , i reviewed the attached text sample, can you attach pcap/sanitized log after processing it in wireshark, as the documentation claim to have RFC5424 format but the attached log...
@mateuszpierzchala-splunk FYI
We will release it in next major version
i will relook into this.