Thanks again! I changed from '-GBOOTROM_FILE' to 'BOOTROM_FILE' as verilator said there was no option with that name. I get this when executing: fusesoc sim --sim=verilator vscale-generic ERROR: Failed to...
I just updated verilator and now it does not complain about '-GBOOTROM_FILE'. Now I have: ERROR: "g++ -c -I/home/ricardo/test_vscale/build/vscale-generic/src -I/home/ricardo/test_vscale/build/vscale-generic/src/elf-loader/ -I/home/ricardo/test_vscale/build/vscale-generic/src/verilator_tb_utils/ -I/home/ricardo/test_vscale/build/vscale-generic/sim-verilator/bench/verilator -I/home/ricardo/test_vscale/build/vscale-generic/src -Iobj_dir -I/opt/verilator/include -I/opt/verilator/include/vltstd /home/ricardo/test_vscale/build/vscale-generic/src/verilator_tb_utils/verilator_tb_utils.cpp" exited with an...
Just did: sudo cp -a /opt/verilator/share/verilator/include /opt/verilator/ And now I go a little further. INFO: Building verilator executable: Can't open perl script "/opt/verilator/bin/verilator_includer": No such file or directory Can't open...
Solved it with: sudo cp /opt/verilator/share/verilator/bin/verilator_includer /opt/verilator/bin/ Now I get: INFO: Starting Verilator: INFO: Compiling elf-loader.c ar: creating elf-loader.a a - elf-loader.o INFO: Compiling verilator_tb_utils.cpp INFO: Compiling jtagServer.cpp ar: creating...
Now it would be cool to understand what is the compilation process to generate new ELF files.
In what sense should I set it up as other or1k programs? What would be the contents of the linker script for it to work with the VSCALE model in...
It's that "maybe other config setup" that I would like to get hold of an example (for instance the one that generates the ELF @olofk sent me). Where can I...
Thanks for the fast reply. I will test that and report back to you.