Reinhold Jaekle
Reinhold Jaekle
Hello all, I have the same question. In a pure Mosquitto environment there is no problem between the communication of two brokers where one broker is configures as MQTT-Bridge. (See...
Many thanks for the hint, I will double check. As far as I see it is not an connection problem. I see in Wireshark the the mosquitto-bridge brokers sends an...
Hello @hylkevds thanks for the update and I agree with you. I did also not find any hint about a special Bridge Protocol. But here is what I got in...
I just started a issue-thread with the mosquitto team .. ;-) might be they can help here. As soon I have any news I will udpate this issue and let...
Good news. I was able to fix my problem. I changed the parameter `try_private false` in the mosquitto bridge config file and then the MSB will not be set in...
Problem is fixed . I will close the issue I expect: In mid/long term it might be good to discuss the MQTT protocol spec. to figure out how far `MQTT-Bridge-Broker...
Hello keshavck yes. I works. The general configuration settings for the mosquitto bridge are explained - for example- on ( The trick is that you need to set the...
I think moquette cannot be used as Bridge... I tried only mosquitto bridge Please no that MQTT Bridge is not part of the standards as fa as I know