Riza Velioglu
Riza Velioglu
It's just to prevent resetting the environment itself. By default, the environment runs for 500.001 time steps, `max_steps` parameter in _Simulator_ class (see the link you sent). This parameter is...
You need to specify name of the maps without the `.yaml`extension like the following: `map_names=["zigzag_dists", "4way", "loop_empty", "small_loop"]` as shown in [/tutorials/get_tile_coordinates.py](https://github.com/rizavelioglu/challenge-aido_RL-IL/blob/e8c3fae5b053fbceac6c216a798e62ed6ea893dd/tutorials/get_tile_coordinates.py#L10) --- If you would like to collect tile...
Oh, I see. I haven't created a map on my own, so please check out the official repository of gym_duckietown, especially the [Design](https://github.com/duckietown/gym-duckietown#design) part, where they explain the structure of...
I edited the simulator such that every time a map is loaded/reset, the agent starts at a 'good' position. I improve the 'goodness' of the starting point with 2 things:...
Yes, that looks strange. Are you sure the file `tutorials/maps/loop_obstacles.yaml` is exactly the same as in `duckietown_rl/maps/loop_obstacles.yaml` ? If yes, then I would guess its luck! Cause remember the simulator...
Avoiding obstacles was not in my project's goals, so I did not build an algorithm for that. One might do the following: - Use the function `proximity_penalty2` ([See link](https://github.com/rizavelioglu/challenge-aido_RL-IL/blob/e8c3fae5b053fbceac6c216a798e62ed6ea893dd/duckietown_rl/gym_duckietown/simulator.py#L1206)) to...
Hi SHITIANYU, The agent in [PID controller](https://github.com/rizavelioglu/challenge-aido_RL-IL/blob/master/tutorials/PIDcontroller.py) script does not avoid obstacles, actually. It just tries to follow the lane (a.k.a. Lane Following). - In [Line#71](https://github.com/rizavelioglu/challenge-aido_RL-IL/blob/e8c3fae5b053fbceac6c216a798e62ed6ea893dd/tutorials/PIDcontroller.py#L71): `obs, reward, done, info...
I guess they don't do obstacle avoidance, they just check if the agent collided with an object or not (see the function `proximity penalty` at [Line#1206](https://github.com/SHITIANYU-hue/challenge-aido_RL-IL/blob/e8c3fae5b053fbceac6c216a798e62ed6ea893dd/duckietown_rl/gym_duckietown/simulator.py#L1206)). In case the agent...
Hi Feng, I am sorry, I am unable to understand the issue. could you please provide more information
Hello @shiyill, Could you provide more information regarding the error, please?