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Copy of official Svelte template with added HMR support

Results 9 svelte-template-hot issues
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What do you think about Typescript? Do you think I can use it with no issues as described in the `sveltejs/template` instructions if I use this template?

Hello, i tried to get HMR working on my project by moving the rollup config from this repo to my project ```js import svelte from 'rollup-plugin-svelte'; import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs';...

_Maybe is not a `svelte-plugin-hot` issue and I'll close it ASAP._ After upgrading from `nollup 0.14.2` to `0.14.3` I get a lot of warning now with this, why? ![image]( Ref:...

Do we need `//@hmr:keep` now?

From `"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "16.0.0"` this is the error: ``` [Nollup] Listening on http://localhost:5000 TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at new MagicString (C:\svelte\node_modules\magic-string\dist\magic-string.cjs.js:354:34) at module.exports (C:\svelte\node_modules\nollup\lib\impl\ImportExportResolver.js:318:21) at compileModule (C:\svelte\node_modules\nollup\lib\impl\NollupCompiler.js:59:30) at...

I'm trying to use the amazing [@urql/svelte]( It works both with nollup and rollup. But with nollup I have these warnings in console: ![image]( ``` DevTools failed to load SourceMap:...

Now we have this, but where it's used? ```js const spa = false ```