Hi How can I do this programmatically once my app has launched? Do I create another consentform.html in say Spanish then somehow get the form to load with that one?
Thanks for this thread @codenia. I have come to this rather late and I am stuck implementing it. I think the framework file structure has changed since you posted this....
No it hasn’t. It seems Google are not interested in updating this sdk On Sun, 24 Mar 2019 at 20:08, Izzy Machado wrote: > I also noticed this, it still...
I used it in 2 apps hoping for updates which never came. Another problem is that it can’t be localised for language. I think most developers have produced their own....
Hi Here is the github link The last update was June! On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 21:17, Izzy Machado wrote: > @rivington101 ok, is there a way to...