@drkoller @GalacticF Recently, I meet the same problem, is there any solution?
Is there any way to change the raw image data in the layer of psd ? I want to do some image processingļ¼such as resize, move and rotate, and save...
I meet the same situation as @kawori. When I use u-net, the loss is hard to converge, It decresed fast at first and then decreased slowly and increased to INF...
@yu4u Thanks for your reply. When I use your keras code training on noisy target to remove text in image, the final loss is about 20. And I rewrite the...
I met the same problem. Is there any solution?
@cedrickchee Thanks for your solution! I meet the same problem, and I want to know how to build libTorch for Android? Can you give some tips? Thanks very much!
You can try to edit [here](https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-renderer-markdown-it/blob/683ffb621e6ad05e204c0c7fa4e58e4014c1ef37/lib/anchors.js#L32) to change the range as a temporary solution.
I also get the same error!
I find this error is causes by ``` section = "\\NodeTree\\" ``` This is for Windows to set the path, but is not suit for Linux.