Ritwik Saha
Ritwik Saha
@andi8086 Thank you very much for pointing this out. We already know about the problem as discussed in #374 . We'll surely think of a workaround.
More theoretical clarity needed. Temporarily moved files to bin. Would come back after sufficient knowledge. See #43
@spino17 , any references? Let's work on this!
Certainly, solving issue #309 would help a lot!
Sorry, this can't be done by `0.3`. It is a project in itself!
The only problem in jitting functions is `njit` does not support `numpy` array deceleration inside the function. See [this](http://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/0.15.1/arrays.html) for more details. If there is some solution to be found,...
@spino17 Can you help in any way ?
That’s a collection of issues, each requiring deep theoretical knowledge. I wouldn’t recommend that you take these up. Good first issues, maybe?? Regards, Ritwik > On 02-Feb-2020, at 3:06 PM,...
> Hi, I know how "lorentz transformation" of Christoffel symbols should work, since they are not actual tensors. However, I am new to this project, so would be happy if...
@gimseng However, I am thinking of deprecating lorentz transform and implementing change of basis vectors, lorentz transform being a special case of the latter. What do you say?