Results 12 comments of nogeek

It seems like a bug with `xdxf` format, which is non-trivial to support since XSLT is not easy in Node.js. Hopefully I'll come up with a hack of this. Can...

I added basic support for `xdxf` format in v0.1.1. Also, I checked your dict and it can be converted here now. [](

You're right, I've also noticed that problem with newline. However, it is some issue with the `xslt-ts` package like #2 , which is the only one I could find to...

@xiao-zang I read the codes these days and found that some formats had never been supported by the author. Considering the latest commit was about 2 years ago, I...

@xiao-zang Maybe you could try my repo [dictconv]( these days. It's built using Node.js based on this repo, but supports type 'h'. Note that `dictconv` is the very early version...

Same issue here. Any thoughts? Since it seems like an exploration problem, I'm currently trying to tune the temperature parameter $\alpha$. Larger $\alpha$ leads to better exploration in some cases,...

> Hi @hartikainen , > > I finally managed to make it work on MountainCarContinuous by adding additional noise to the actions of the behavior policy, in the same fashion...

> Hello, > > You can find working hyperparameters in the [rl zoo](, the noise standard deviation is quite high (0.5 compared to "classic" values of 0.1-0.2 normally used) Hi...

> Ah no, I was talking about environments tailored for HER. That's too bad. I just briefly read about HER and was hoping HER to solve this. But if we...

#32 +1,学校还没有IPV6-PD,路由器后的都用不了v6,只能在路由器里改桥接……