Ritik Bhatia
Ritik Bhatia
Hi @jackcook. Thanks for the reply! For now, we are using the images from the hackmit s3 bucket (we have already created our own s3 as well but plan to...
Hey @jackcook No I haven't modified this line as I was aware of this issue with three.js As mentioned before, it seems weird that the personal room SVGs do render...
@jackcook When I connect to the `redis-cli` and enter `hgetall room:plaza`, it shows `empty array` as response. But when I execute `hgetall` for the personal room, it does output certain...
@jackcook I have not changed any of the room templates. Yes, I change location from personal room using the map. Further I wanted to clarify the following: - If a...
Hi @jackcook We were able to solve the error by deploying the docker running the redis image separately, using AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service). However, can we ask how you...
Hi @jackcook May we know what was the frontend deployed on? We switched to ElastiCache and now we are encountering the same issue of svgs not rendering (don't know why...