Rithvik Vibhu

Results 55 issues of Rithvik Vibhu

Localtunnel isn't stable and the subdomain is random. [Serveo](https://serveo.net) works over ssh and can provide predictable subdomains or even custom domains. Just a suggestion.

I think it would be nice to have a simple single page with links (icons?) opening the apps in new tabs. This is so that one won't have to go...

Closes #35 and maybe even #28 (for second part, doesn't check `cd`). Changes: - JS Recursive Resolver: Add `bogus` flag to `ResolveContext` and set it when verification breaks - Unbound...

All popular resolvers (,, etc.) do not return records if DNSSEC verification fails. But `bns` returns records with the `ad` flag (correctly) unset. other resolvers: ``` ❯ dig @

The README says that if this directory exists, it may work. But I seem to have a directory with a prefix `PNP0C14:00-`. ```bash ❯ file /sys/bus/wmi/devices/7A4DDFE7-5B5D-40B4-8595-4408E0CC7F56/ /sys/bus/wmi/devices/7A4DDFE7-5B5D-40B4-8595-4408E0CC7F56/: cannot open `/sys/bus/wmi/devices/7A4DDFE7-5B5D-40B4-8595-4408E0CC7F56/`...

new model support

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5113343/144961610-b1305088-23fe-4696-b456-b44cbc177ca5.png) The tailwind classes colors don't match the colors in linear-gradient css: `blueGray-500` (`#64748b`) is not the same as `rgb(234, 88, 12)` (`#ea580c`) and `coolGray-700` (`#374151`) is not the same...

Migrated from this gist comment https://gist.github.com/rithvikvibhu/952f83ea656c6782fbd0f1645059055d#gistcomment-3586276 @cicero200272: > I am requested to log in (using a browser) first. When I copy & paste the URL to a browser window, I...


This is a feature request to add `resolveTLSA` to nodejs (and c-ares that it depends on), similar to how CAA was added before: https://github.com/c-ares/c-ares/issues/292 Ref: - https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/39569

From https://isbgpsafeyet.com: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5113343/145744370-617a120c-22cc-49f3-8f87-08dc4b9e414b.png) AS Rank: https://asrank.caida.org/asns?asn=AS24309&type=search I'm not sure how to check for `signed + filtering`, will do so if there's any notes on this.

## Expected Behavior Spending anywhere should work as expected. ## Current Behavior Anything that requires spending gives this error in red. In this case, selecting "Send Max" in the Spend...
