Hello @Navya-ios , I have found some way to solve this issue. You can try as below, -> Have you added PKPushRegistryDelegate method in appdelegate file? and PKPushRegistryDelegate is only...
What you are writing in didReceiveIncomingPushWith methods, Can you share here.
@Navya-ios Comment below section, if type == .voIP, payload.dictionaryPayload[UsersConstant.voipEvent] != nil { if let timeStampString = payload.dictionaryPayload["timestamp"] as? String, let opponentsIDsString = payload.dictionaryPayload["opponentsIDs"] as? String { let opponentsIDsArray = opponentsIDsString.components(separatedBy:...
@Navya-ios How many places to call below method, func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didUpdate pushCredentials: PKPushCredentials, for type: PKPushType) didReceiveIncomingPushWith method is call when your app is in foreground? if not,...
Please try to delete the app and reinstall the app. then check it. if this method is not called then your notification is blocked by apple due to not reporting...
Can you share your chat related files?
@Navya-ios While you are going to subscribe, did you check QBChat service is connected or not?. If QBChat service is not connected then the subscription will not show in the...
@Navya-ios Can you share VoIP Call functionality related files?
How to install TinyToast using pods? I was finding pod install version. but I can't get it.