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Thermal-inertial SLAM


Paper | Youtube

This is a simplified implementation of the following paper:

Graph-based Thermal-Inertial SLAM with Probabilistic Neural Networks
Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra, Chris Xiaoxuan Lu, Pedro P. B. de Gusmao, Bing Wang, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni.

PS: At the moment, the implementation requires both python and matlab code. We will provide all python versions in the near future.

Dependencies (Python)

  • Docker
  • Python 3.6
  • Tensorflow-gpu 1.14, Tensorflow-probability 0.7
  • Keras 2.2.4, Keras-mdn-layer 0.2.2
  • Others: scipy, matplotlib, opencv-python

Dependencies (Matlab)

  • Matlab R2019b or above
  • Navigation Toolbox

Getting Started


  • Please download our dataset from here.

  • After downloading, please put the dataset into your <host dataset dir path> in your host machine.

  • Some files are zipped into a single zip file (e.g., loop.zip and all raw data in raw folder). For training, please unzip them all in the same directory.

Docker Installation

  • Please install nvidia-docker.
  • Then, simply pull the correct version of tensorflow docker container as follows:
docker pull tensorflow/tensorflow:1.14.0-gpu-py3
  • Create a docker image such as by using the following command. Please create your custom mapping between <host dataset dir path> to the virtual path inside the docker image.
nvidia-docker run --rm -it -v <host dataset dir path>:<virtual path> --name <docker image name> tensorflow/tensorflow:1.14.0-gpu-py3 bash
  • Inside the docker image, install the remaining dependencies.
apt-get update
apt install python3-pil
apt install python3-pil.imagetk
apt-get install -y libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev
pip3 install --upgrade scipy==1.1.0
pip3 install keras==2.2.4
pip3 install tensorflow-probability==0.7
python3 -m pip install keras-mdn-layer==0.2.2
python -mpip install matplotlib
pip3 install opencv-python

Pre-trained Models

  • Git clone this repository.
  • Download the pre-trained models here.
  • Create the following directories to load the model from your repository.
mkdir -p Python/odometry/models/neural_odometry
mkdir -p Python/odometry/models/neural_loop_closure
mkdir -p Python/loop/models/neural_embedding
  • Move the models to the respective directories.


Before running the test code, take a look at the config.yaml inside Python/odometry and Python/loop, and replace the path pointing to dataset with your <host dataset dir path>.

Test Neural Odometry (Probabilistic DeepTIO)

Inside the docker image, run neural odometry with the pre-trained model by using the following commands:

cd Python/odometry/
python os_test_odom.py

The code will generate the output poses for all models and all trajectories in the folder Python/odometry/results (.txt files) and Python/odometry/figs (.png files showing the predicted trajectories).

Test Neural Embedding

Inside the docker image, run neural embedding with the pre-trained model by using the following commands:

cd Python/loop/
python os_test_embed.py

The code outputs the embedding features in the folder Python/loop/results (.csv files).

To convert the embedding features into a list of loop pairs, execute the following matlab code:

generate_loop_from_embeddings.m # run it from Matlab

The matlab code will generate the loop pairs in Python/odometry/results (.csv files).

Test Neural Loop Closure

Inside the docker image, run neural loop closure with the pre-trained model by using the following commands:

cd Python/odometry/
python os_test_loop.py

The code will generate the output poses for all models and all trajectories in the folder Python/odometry/results (.txt files).

Test the SLAM Back End

To optimize the odometry by using our robust SLAM back end, please run the following Matlab code:

robust_pose_graph_optimization.m # run it from Matlab

The code generates the figure showing the optimized trajectory in figures/optimized_odometry (.pdf files).


Before training, take a look again at the config.yaml file and make sure that you have replaced the path with your <host dataset dir path>.

For training, you need to individually train the neural models (neural odometry, neural embedding, and neural loop closure). Inside the docker image:

  • run the following code to train the neural odometry and neural loop closure:
cd Python/odometry/
python train_deeptio_prob.py
python train_loop_pose.py
  • run the following code to train the neural embedding:
cd Python/loop/
python train_neural_embedding.py