Develop this design using your preferred web technologies. Try to approximate it up to 80%. Don't worry about colors much, but try to make the UI neat and clean. #...
Develop this design using your preferred web technologies. Try to approximate it up to 80%. Don't worry about colors much, but try to make the UI neat and clean. #...
Develop this design using your preferred web technologies. Try to approximate it up to 80%. Don't worry about colors much, but try to make the UI neat and clean. #...
Develop this design using your preferred web technologies. Try to approximate it up to 80%. Don't worry about colors much, but try to make the UI neat and clean. #...
Develop this design using your preferred web technologies. Try to approximate it up to 80%. Don't worry about colors much, but try to make the UI neat and clean. #...
Created a BMI calculator. [Issues #12] CHECK WEBSITE HERE: https://rishi-bmicalculator.netlify.app/