
Results 7 comments of rindeal

Running amalgamate without arguments outputs this: ``` plain NAME amalgamate - produce an amalgamation of C/C++ source files. SYNOPSIS amalgamate [-s] [-w {wildcards}] [-f {file|macro}]... [-p {file|macro}]... [-d {name}={file}]... [-i...

I think it's caused by [this bug](https://github.com/rindeal/libfprint-vfs_proprietary-driver/blob/fdcb2d6/.ci/script#L44). Can you build it using [my reference script](https://github.com/rindeal/libfprint-vfs_proprietary-driver/blob/fdcb2d6/.ci/script)?

Not sure, what you're doing. Have you looked at the reference script https://github.com/rindeal/libfprint-vfs_proprietary-driver/blob/master/.ci/script ? You can easily modify that working script for your purposes.

And can you confirm the vcsFPService daemon is running?

It's true that when developing this driver I tested it only with 'fprint_demo' and 'Fingerprint GUI', not 'fprintd' and not fprintd running under systemd's direction. The excerpt from the systemd's...

> Works for me, but sometimes I still get -103 error. That shouldn't happen. One reason I see is that it could be at boot, because the systemd service is...

It is now part of the API docs https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.40/#operation/ImageCreate