Riku Rouvila
Riku Rouvila
RE: https://github.com/MariusAlch/json-to-ts/issues/17 https://github.com/MariusAlch/json-to-ts/issues/5 By reading through the issues, I know the current handling of optional fields is by design, and I understand the reasoning, especially as JSON doesn't support undefined....
So instead of using a generic type variable in the typehole, the plugin could add ```typescript import App from "./App.svelte"; import typehole from "typehole"; type AutoDiscovered = any; const app...
Not a huge issue in this example as the interfaces are identical and the second one is merged with the first. ```typescript interface Bar { number: number; title: string; duration:...
Not sure if this is actually worth it..
There's still actually one problem with this one. For example if I have a refex `/a/g` and the path we are matching it against is `aaa` then the splats params...