Ange Rijo

Results 7 issues of Ange Rijo

/home/rijotech/controldeck.js/node_modules/node-static/lib/node-static.js:220 headers['content-type'] = mime.lookup(files[0]); TypeError: mime.lookup is not a function at Server.respond (/home/rijotech/controldeck/node_modules/node-static/lib/node-static.js:220:42) at /home/rijotech/controldeck/node_modules/node-static/lib/node-static.js:59:18 at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:153:5)

Hi I have a self hosted ngrok server using v1.7 and I was wondering if how can I setup ssh access?

Nice project, there is any way to embed the ppm image directly into the html without dragging?

I was wondering if there is a way to make it work with a second WLAN? since I'm using the native WLAN0 as a hotspot. I have a Wlan1 via...


I successfully compiled it on a Raspberry Pi 5 32bits and executed but there is no display on the screen after connecting. I'm wondering why is not showing anything, also...

Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to use bluebutton with a different shutter?

There is any workaround to get omxplayer to run on Raspberry Pi 5 Debian 12 32bits? I'm currently trying some stuff around but no luck.