When I tried to run SdrGlut using the SDRpay slave mode it would always crash. I finally tracked it down. It crashes if you call - device->setFrequency(SOAPY_SDR_RX, rx->channel, rx->fc-rx->foffset); but...
SdrGlut has some problems with SoapySDR. https://github.com/righthalfplane/SdrGlut First the good news - SdrGlut works well with a Lime Mini, HackRF One, SDRPlay and NetSDR using SoapySDR on - MacOS Sierra...
I crowbarred a power meter into CubicSDR v0.2.0-beta-rc2, because I needed it to test some antennas. I mentioned that in a post sometime ago and a person asked, if I...
NetSDR worked with the first version for CubicSDR that I tried using Yosemite, but it now fails on High Sierra, Sierra and El Captain. I tracked to problem down to...
"brew install soapyosmo" fails with a bunch of errors - Last 15 lines from /Users/dir/Library/Logs/Homebrew/soapyosmo/02.make: ^ /usr/local/include/boost/math/tools/mp.hpp:278:29: error: a space is required between consecutive right angle brackets (use '> >')...
When I run my SDR on the latest version of Raspbian, I get a garbled auto output from OpenAL that is just barely understandable. When I run a simple example,...
There appears to be an error in the LimeSuite Libraries. The call to “LMS_StopStream” should stop the transmission - it doesn’t. Even after the call to “LMS_DestroyStream” - the LimeSDR...
Cariboulite does not transmit using the SoapySDR API - all that it does is generate a writestream error -5. This error occurs on DargonOS and on BookWorm 64 bit. I...
The last PR has caused problems with reception. With Previous versions readStream returned the data and never returned a zero. It worked Ok on Bullseye and DragonOS. Now, readStream returns...
Today, I created new version of the recommended Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) port of Debian Bookworm and installed it on my Raspberry Pi 4. The first problem is that it...