Dominique RIGHETTO

Results 42 comments of Dominique RIGHETTO

In addition, I proposed a fix for #760.

Good idea. The bash script can be used in a CI pipeline to update dicts as well. I proposed a bash script to have a script to perform this update...

Hi, The problem is not present on a Ubuntu: ![image](

No problem on a Kali 2022.2 too: ![image](

I really do not know. I retried after fully updating the Kali and I still not have error cloning the repository...

OK , thanks a lot for the feedback, you can assign me the issue. I will provide a PR for this.

Hi, Thank a lot for the suggestion 👍 In fact, once you know that map files are exposed, the browser do the job for you and you can browse the...

By the way, I remarked that this features (detection of map files) is [already implemented]( but I have forgotten to reference the issue in the commit 😃 So I close...