Any news on this bug ? Same problem for HashSet on cera nuget 4.1.7
Is this still open or has it been abandon due to the conflicts ?
Can you please explain more in detail what you are trying to achieve ?
I have tested the provided code above with Firefox 122.0 (64-bit) with default settings and it works correctly - showing thumbs up or thumbs down - not both at the...
I don't know GO but probably we should be able to add the CreateOrUpdate BackupPolicy property source:([https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/dataprotection/backup-policies/create-or-update?view=rest-dataprotection-2023-01-01&tabs=HTTP] "trigger": { "schedule": { "repeatingTimeIntervals": [ "R/2019-11-20T08:00:00-08:00/P1W" ] }, to the request and...
Any news on this problem ? I am facing the same issue.