Matt Peterson

Results 20 comments of Matt Peterson

I want to use bork to manage my dotfiles, and I'd like to use this filesection type to maintain a default setup for most of the dotfiles while allowing local...

``` --cleanafter Remove package sources after successful install ``` Two problems I see: It isn't removing just the package sources, it is removing the package final product, and it wasn't...

I imagine it would do exactly as you say, print out what it is replacing and also do the replacing. Thinking of it as "print" instead of "preview" makes more...

Vuetify's v-data-table uses v-slot:item.column="" which valid-v-slot complains about. See example code here:

> The documentation is updated to reflect this. There are no documentation changes in this PR.

This would be nice to avoid getting `kak-lsp: yaml language server doesn't support method textDocument/documentHighlight` without having to manually write a rule for yaml

Wow, okay, thanks for your explanation. I didn't realize Bag was so inefficient. If I was trying to optimize this in the same way, I would immediately reach for something...

I don't think that's what he's talking about. A namespace/class browser sounds to me like a hierarchy of namespaces/classes/functions in the current file, much like other IDE's have. For example,...

Just for fun, this is what the sidebar looks like right now ![lime-sidebar](