Here's an issue I encountered recently: I and a colleague of mine were enabling `clang-tidy` for our code base using [_modernize-use-override_](https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/modernize-use-override.html) as the check to verify that it works. While...
Fixes #348, also addressing a couple warnings I stumbled upon.
The original [`bats` repository](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats) is abandoned (no commits for years), the successor being [`bats-core`](https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core). Over years, its development progressed, yet `bats-file` didn't follow, so now tests are failing due to...
When using `gitlint` as a `commit-msg` hook with `pre-commit`, I run into issue of commit message getting lost easily when gitlint finds that it's not good enough. Repro: on a...
**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?** It's a bug, developer experience is affected. **What is the current behavior?** Attempt to run the test suite on...
Previously, a fix was added for bad behavior when `bash-it` printed text to the console in conjunction with protocols like `SCP`, as commit 83c44fac "template/profile: Require interactive shell". It did...
After one sorts out the installation troubles, many tests are failing: [replit](https://repl.it/@rico_chet/bash-lib-tests). This doesn't seem to just affect artificial scenarios, but for instance `split_into()` fails miserably on my first try...
`tmux` (https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki) is a terminal multiplexer, like `screen`. It spawns its terminals with `argv[0]` prefixed with a '-', thus breaking `stderred`'s early return on `bash` encounter. This leads to normal...
### Describe the bug Running `jf git-lfs-clean` removes objects which are still referenced from reachable git history. When a git-LFS-stored file is committed to git and then removed in a...