Ricky WANG
Ricky WANG
Hi friend, Thanks for your reply. I just had a try, this tool cannot search vim key maps. Don't know what is for.
This is a debian packaging [bug](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/linux.debian.bugs.dist/g2S4E-QvmWA) and was fixed in llvm-7. Please just remove the default llvm-6.0/clang-6.0 packages and install the version 7. ` sudo apt install llvm-7 clang-7 libclang-7-dev...
Hi @FahimAnayet, Sorry for late reply. Thanks a lot for your work on this. https://github.com/FahimAnayet/LeaderF-map is exactly what I was looking for.
Hello, I met the exact issue when building Crash 7.2.0 on Ubuntu 17.10. After I run `sudo apt install bison`, the issue is gone. It would be helpful to check...