Ricardo Amores Hernández
Ricardo Amores Hernández
Hi everyone. First of all I want to apologize for the lack of updates. Long story sort: due to a combination of too much work, dealing with the pandemic, and...
Right now the `IniParserConfiguration` contains fields that control how to parse a file, how to format a file, or even how an ini file is formed. That data structure should...
Add a link in the readme to the wiki page that describes the Configuration of the parser: https://github.com/rickyah/ini-parser/wiki/Configuring-parser-behavior
Add an example in the Getting Started section of the readme that shows how to change the character used to create comments in the ini file. e.g: *#* is a...
I get this eror: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'push' of undefined Refinery-page-images gem is also installed, and gives an error on WYMeditor.onload_functions method: page-imagepicker.js: 45 reset_functionality = function() {...