Anybody idea if it would be possible to adjust the heating curve from the heat pump through EMS-ESP32? So the foot point and the end point?
can't update to version v3.5.0b2, will get Upload failed (Internal Server Error). Tried different browsers without any success.. Current version v3.4.2b5
Hi, I'm using HAsmartirrigation for measuring the adjust_time per zone, but when there is no adjust_time because HAsmartirrigation isn't require to irrigate the main valve is still opening for 1...
can't load the Irrigation tab. Blank page. When opening inspector mode I find this issue: Could not load content for webpack://home-assistant-frontend/e6e55a55.js (HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME) and also: e6e55a55.js:2043...