Rick Hull

Results 22 comments of Rick Hull

Confirming the issue with recent versions of redcarpet. Please apply this to the mainline gem. ``` $ rocco foo.rb WARNING: Pygments not found. Using webservice. pygmentize not in PATH; using...

The CI failure seems like some problem in the CI stack -- Celluloid and Faraday: ``` E, [2015-11-04T01:49:27.997735 #25230] ERROR -- : Actor crashed! Faraday::Error: :gzip is not registered on...

This URL and checksum worked for me, just setting the attributes via role or environment. I was getting HTTP 500s trying to download from mmonit.com, within Rackspace and AWS EC2...

note, many ruby versioning projects support a `.ruby_version` file, but they may support different semantics. `chruby` might look at `2.2` and find the latest `2.2.x` for you

Insertion is supposed to be constant time, according to this @igrigorik [blog post](https://www.igvita.com/2009/03/26/ruby-algorithms-sorting-trie-heaps/). It looks like it is not quite even linear, though I haven't delved too deeply. See [this...

I think this section makes insertion depend on N, the size of the heap: https://github.com/kanwei/algorithms/blame/master/lib/containers/heap.rb#L80

Check out this implementation as a point of comparison: https://github.com/rickhull/compsci/blob/master/lib/compsci/heap.rb OUTPUT ``` ... 790000th insert: 0.00000097 s 800000th insert: 0.00000245 s 810000th insert: 0.00000148 s 820000th insert: 0.00000100 s 830000th...

now getting over [500k push / sec](https://github.com/rickhull/compsci/blob/master/metrics/examples#L476): ``` 1510000th push: 0.00000184 s 1520000th push: 0.00000614 s 1530000th push: 0.00000141 s 1540000th push: 0.00000294 s 1550000th push: 0.00000199 s 1560000th push:...

I got tests working on NixOS 20.03 with less work. ``` # List packages installed in system profile. To search, run: environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # ... # added...

I ran into this problem and more, trying to `ruby-install rbx` on Ubuntu 19.10, and now Debian stable. It appears that rubinius has updated their build system (per https://github.com/postmodern/ruby-install/issues/342#issuecomment-481897733) and...