Rick Huizinga
Rick Huizinga
I have a sample file for the "days since January 1, 1900" issue. See the "Sale Date" column in the following file:https://www.dropbox.com/s/8jn4y8ksmtysfqw/2014.03.14_Entire%20County.xlsx
Data point: 2019 Model 3 (SR) - spike amps can be disabled (both proactively & reactively). Changing the charging current continues to work work properly with spike amps disabled.
If using the API to change the charge rate, is the full functionality supported without plugging into the RS485 port? Specifically: 1) Will it automatically stop charging when the car...
[envoy_reader](https://github.com/jesserizzo/envoy_reader) 0.21.3 (pre-release) appears to have the logic to handle the authentication now required to access the local feed for Envoy firmware 7.x.x. Perhaps it may be useful to use...
UPDATE: There is now a [Home Assistant Envoy module](https://github.com/briancmpbll/home_assistant_custom_envoy) that has been updated to work with the new authentication scheme with Envoy v7.x.x firmware. It uses the [envoy_reader](https://github.com/jesserizzo/envoy_reader) library mentioned...