
Results 11 issues of rickhelmus

Hello, Consider the following simple example: ```r library(future.apply) plan(cluster, workers = 4) future_lapply(1:4, function(x) { if (x == 2) stop("x==2") Sys.sleep(10) }) ``` Ideally in my scenario this would stop...

feature request

Hi XCMS team, I finally got around trying the and improved XCMS3 interface :-) One thing I quickly noticed is that with some data files I get significantly different amounts...

Hello, At the moment it doesn't seem to be possible to run a _different_ installed R version (i.e. override the binary path). This might come in handy for a package...


Hi all, Sometimes `FeatureFinderMRM` seems to report RT values that are out of range, see a minimal mzML/featureXML: [bug.zip](https://github.com/OpenMS/OpenMS/files/9094700/bug.zip). Here the RT range reported by the feature is ~2-199 seconds...


Hi all, I am using a [small macro](https://github.com/rickhelmus/patRoon/blob/master/man/macros/macros.Rd#L1) to semi-automatically add package citations of dependent packages to the reference documentation of my package. However, with the latest `pkgdown` (2.0.1) this...

linking :paperclip:

Hello, I have quite a lot of tests relying on `vdiffr`, which recently started using snapshots. Which tests are executed is pre-determined by a shell environment variable. However, this conditional...

snapshot :camera:

Hello, First of all, many thanks for all the nice work put in this library! :-) I was wondering if it would be possible to load data that was recalibrated?...

Hello, Currently the `onClick` function argument to `reactable()` only seems to accept either `expand`, `select` or a JS function. I would combine group expanding and execution some JS whenever a...


Hi all, Recently, CI started to fail where `patRoon` uses the old `xcmsSet` interface. I can indeed reproduce this quite easily: ```r xs

Hello, When placing a card inside a sidebar, the full screen functionality doesn't seem to work as expected, and the card will only expand to the dimensions of the sidebar....