Markus Rickert

Results 60 comments of Markus Rickert

I am currently working on integrating MSVC into the CI workflow for RL and its third-party dependencies. This should be able to provide binaries for each commit. Once this is...

You can use an IK solver to find suitable joint configurations for Cartesian waypoints. How to interpolate between these points depends on whether you want an interpolation in joint space...

The rlRrtDemo with the files `rlsg/universal-robots-ur5_tables.xml` and `rlmdl/universal-robots-ur5.xml` from rl-examples works fine on my installation, both with the current master branch and version 0.7 (with binaries from the 0.7 Windows...

If I understand you correctly, you installed RL via the Windows installer (which includes third-party dependencies) and then also built the dependencies yourself as described in the [Building the Dependencies](

You can use `rl::mdl::UrdfFactory` and `rl::sg::UrdfFactory` for loading kinematics and geometry models from URDF files. If the URDF file uses ROS' xacro XML macro language, you first have to convert...

For ROS2 you can use ```shell $ ros2 run xacro xacro --inorder -o manipulator_h.urdf manipulator_h.xacro ``` The xacro package seems to have been added to Foxy Fitzroy on [2020-06-25](

The `rl::sg::UrdfFactory` was added after version 0.7, the precompiled executables of that version therefore do not yet support URDF files. On Ubuntu, you can however use the [daily PPA builds](

The self collision properties are currently part of the kinematic descriptions, therefore the scene graph abstraction does not have access to this information. Kinematic and geometric models are combined in...

The open() function only opens the socket connection to the robot controller, while the start() function actually initiates the data exchange with the controller. For a cyclic device such as...

The forwardAcceleration() function in rl::mdl::Kinematic updates the accelerations in the model's elements in a forward iteration, where gravity is modeled and stored as acceleration in the World element. For a...