Here is the server log. It doesn't seem related either. Regardless, which code in the client is deciding to do MD5 or SHA256? 020-09-22 09:32:42.141 EDT [26229]: [26229-10] db=----,user=useridAAA,app=[unknown],client=---.comLOG: disconnection:...
Trying to find out how the postgres server to instruct the client to hash, but didn't find much. What's the constant that the client is using from the server to...
look at the latest code. where is the PROTOCOL_AUTH value from? ``` cdef _connect(self): cdef: WriteBuffer buf WriteBuffer outbuf if self.con_status != CONNECTION_BAD: raise apg_exc.InternalClientError('already connected') self._set_state(PROTOCOL_AUTH) self.con_status = CONNECTION_STARTED...