
Results 5 comments of Ricky

Hi @amchconsult, have you found the workaround for vue 3? Or did you find any similar package? Thank you.

Same issue here with latest version 0.9.79

Finally got a workaround to fix this issue. In my case, I just need to remove the vite pre-bundling cache: ``` rm -rf node_modules/.vite ``` and then re-run the vite...

@galihprasetio @steevenz dapet issue yg sama.... klo di trace issue nya ada di class Uri@__toString nya : ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1517180/83994947-1fa57080-a982-11ea-97c8-58158d78fdce.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1517180/83994838-c1788d80-a981-11ea-8077-154f82d8e21c.png) ntah kenapa class Uri nya append current request path ke api...

Halo mas...maaf gk notice ada issue masuk, boleh tau error nya spt apa mas?