Sorry for another post :), I am sure you are busy with tons of other things but just some suggestions.... - Interlaced checkerboard - Overscan test screen showing boundary edges/corners...
Dymo 11353 labels are two up and have rounded corners. edit dymo-other-templates.xml to fix.... ``` ``` Please note as Dymo driver does its own thing with margins/printable areas, what you...
Hi, I updated Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 thus updating (cups-filters 1.27.4 > 1.28.15) and receipt printing has 'broken'; To accomodate long receipts, the printer (Epson TM-T20 w/epsonsimplecups driver) has the...
Hi - upgraded from MMFS 1.28 where everything was working nicely to MMFS2 1.49, and shift-m-break no longer boots. I get 'Drive empty' However if I do *CARD, then *DBOOT...