zq Li
zq Li
@244372610 Hi there! I'm wondering whether there is anyone making a proposal or working on it now? I want to give it a try.
我的下载也是空白的 https://labuladong.gitbook.io/algo/
请问 issue 开了吗,可以加入吗?
Hi there! Is it possible to assign this issue to me? I am a newcomer and want to give it a try, although it might spend some time.
> @richardoLee Hi, are you still working on this feature? Yeah. I'm currently trying to locate where the ServerHello and HelloRetryRequest messages are.
> Great! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. raised_hands When using Wireshark to catch QUIC packets, I found these packets were encrypted (of course). I tried...
Hi! Sorry to bother. I encountered a function `int xqc_tls_add_handshake_data(SSL *ssl, enum ssl_encryption_level_t level, const uint8_t *data, size_t len)` when tracking crypto frames. But none of any definition of `ssl_encryption_level_t`...
@Moxoo What does _retry feature_ mean? RFC 9001 also mentioned this: > Although it is in principle possible to use this feature for address verification, QUIC implementations SHOULD instead use...
@RuiqiZhou Hi! I noticed that HelloRetryRequest message appeares when TLS handshakes and xquic now just sent this Key Exchange Messages without reading and processing it. So what is this feature...