Richard Marshall
Richard Marshall
Did a bit of looking at the details of how Fastly handles query escapes with the `querystring.*` functions. From a non exhaustive check it seems like they're performing escaping only...
Not sure if you've already began work on this but I got started on something similar to this a while back but got distracted and didn't finish it up for...
@ysugimoto A linter warning is a good idea. I updated #294 to include a fix for the interpreter since I was already moving around the subroutine state changes. Can make...
My main concern with the approach of trying to put the `(null)` handling logic into the type is the fact that the behavior of various null expansion cases depends on...
Ah! You found the one case I forgot to include a test for, nice. The concatenation of two unset values yields an unset value regardless of the target of the...
Running into this exception as well. Happening when focus is restored to the editor after deleting the contents of the editor using the controller. Did a little digging into what...
Did some more digging into this as I ran into this issue again when toggling a line from an unordered/ordered list back to plain text. The problem stems from accessing...
This should be fixed as of version 7.2.2
This is happening because of this line in `setRequestHeaderValue` (and the same issue occurs in `setResponseHeaderValue`): Since `Add` is used if the same header and field key is already...
Haven't started looking through the implementation yet but tested this against my production VCL and it produced a lot of problems. They all seem to stem from 4 types of...