Ricky Miller
Ricky Miller
From the [GraphicsMagick Documentation](http://www.graphicsmagick.org/GraphicsMagick.html): "GraphicsMagick does not include an EXIF editor" Since GraphicsMagick doesn't support this you'll have to find another way to write EXIF data.
We're currently working on adding collapsible sections to our form, partly because it can get very long in our use case and partly to solve performance issues caused by having...
No, I don't know exactly what the cause is, but I do know that removing provisioned concurrency and setting it back to 10 reproduces the error until the provisioned concurrency...
So you're 100% certain this is not a bug in CloudFormation and not Serverless? There's no way to configure it to deploy in a way that doesn't cause an error...
I Just noticed this is a duplicate of #2 (>_
@trentm Are you interested in this update or shall we close it?
I also can't get `BREAKING CHANGE` to work in my project. Has anyone figured this out? 🤔
lerna.json ``` { "packages": [ "packages/*" ], "version": "1.23.0", "command": { "publish": { "conventionalCommits": true, "message": "chore(release): publish", "registry": "https://npm.pkg.github.com", "allowBranch": "master" } } } ``` I don't think there's...
I tried a few things and finally got the major version bump 😂. Doing an empty commit (`git commit --allow-empty ...`) like this looks like it should work when not...
@qrosmeli That's great! I'm glad I could help 😸