Richard M. Hicks
Richard M. Hicks
What version of Windows are you using?
Thanks. I'm able to reproduce. Something must have changed in Windows 11. I'll investigate and see what I can find. Stay tuned.
Quick update on this. It appears to be a bug in Windows 11. I'm still investigating, but for now, it doesn't look like an issue with my code. I'll post...
I have not. I have numerous customers that have open support cases with Microsoft. I know it is being looked at presently, but I don't know when a fix will...
@MadHeimberg I'm hearing reports that the issue affects some Windows 10 versions as well. Microsoft is aware of the issue and is addressing it as we speak. I'm hearing that...
The latest information I received is that Microsoft has resolved this error but won't be releasing an update until September at the earliest. I'll be sure to update here when...
The latest information I have is late September. The release date has slipped a few times, so it could still be delayed. Fingers crossed!
FYI, I just tested a preview release of the fix, and it seems to work. I'll post here again as soon as the release is made public.
Got it. Thanks for the information, Vadims.