Richard Frost
Richard Frost
#### :bug: HBO Max Audio Muting Broken #### :pencil: Additional context It appears there was an update to their website which has broken the ability for the filter to properly...
First just these days there was again the WWDC and even though I am not a developer I enjoy watching some of the videos every years since it still is...
1. In my native language there are cases where it can matter when at the beginning or in a word a letter is a capital letter or not, however right...
#### :movie_camera: The Site #### :pencil: Additional notes Requested through the Chrome Web Store page by Sarah Shortt. Example video:
_Submitted in a Firefox Review_ #### :bug: Description There is a problem with "İ" characker for example İstanbul, AİLE, İran, İslam.
#### :loudspeaker: The Shortcoming Right now the filter has support for some additional features (unmute delays, etc) that aren't really exposed in the UI. #### :microscope: Describe the solution you'd...
#### :loudspeaker: The Shortcoming Ability to adjust the timings for muting. #### :microscope: Describe the solution you'd like Would you add an time regulator/adjuster to sync what's being said and...
A few questions: 1. Does the filter work on regular text on other websites? A good way to test is to temporarily add a common word to the list so...
#### :movie_camera: The Site #### :speech_balloon: Subtitle Element/Node - Uses `cues` #### :pencil: Additional notes Requested through the Chrome Web Store support page
#### :bug: Description Hulu on Disney+ Isn't Supported #### :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Steps To Reproduce 1. Go to a Hulu (beta) title on Disney+ 2. Start a video 3. Caption text isn't...