Richard Boswell
Richard Boswell
The document is missing the usage of base.yml which calls the sshkeys role to set up key-based SSH access from the development server to the deployment server. The document...
The following modules were pulled from the manifest and therefore the associated tasks are failing: - vcenter_add_nfs_ds: vcenter/tasks/storage.yml --> Add NFS datastore to OOB ESX hosts, Add NFS datastore to...
The entire error is: `TASK [vcenter : Add ESX hosts to OOB cluster] ********************************** [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Using bare variables is deprecated. Update your playbooks so that the environment value uses...
The portgroup task is failing due to: `msg = 'A specified parameter was not correct: spec.autoExpand', faultCause = , faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [ (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) { dynamicType = , dynamicProperty =...
All tasks in the networking.yml need to checked that they are using the correct variable names as it seems that several of the inputs to the vds, vcenter_config_host_vds_only, and vcenter_addmk...
When running tasks in the vCenter role the following warning is received: ` [WARNING]: While constructing a mapping from /opt/chaperone- ansible/roles/vcenter/tasks/networking.yml, line 251, column 5, found a duplicate dict key...
The input variable names need to be updated for the **Create clusters in the IB vCenter** and **Create clusters in the OOB vCenter** tasks in the esxclusters.yml file to match...
The input variable names need to be updated for the _Create Datacenter_ task in the create_oob_datacenter.yml file to match the latest vcenter_datacenter module revision. A cursory glance shows that the...
I deployed an OOB vCenter and the Ansible task did not receive a return code for successful completion due to error below. Therefore the Ansible task has been waiting for...
The "Destroy out-of-band vCenter with embedded PSC" button on Install: vCenter Services isn't destroying a recently deployed vCenter.