Richard Böhme

Results 5 comments of Richard Böhme

Mh.. If I understand correctly, the start of the stack needs to be set to the current top of the stack, so we need to change it each time a...

Just a thought: Could we fix this by implementing the REPL in C++ or is there something that speaks against that? When doing so, we could easily get the stack...

Hey @kateinoigakukun, this sounds reasonable, thanks for the explanation! I tried manually changing the buffer sizes by setting `WASM_SETJMP_STACK_BUFFER_SIZE` to 7168, however this always leads to the following error: ```...

Thank you. I tried increasing the stack size but it did not help. I'm still receiving the same error after increasing it by two or ten times. I changed it...

Ok calling revalidating the form as a workaround has it's own problems. Just want to share my current workaround patch that seems to work: ```ruby module ReformErrorsPatch def empty? @form.schema.each(twin:...