Hi, Thank you for your excellent toolbox. I am using moviepy to serially read every frame of videos captured at 250 fps, with >200,000 frames per video. Using clip.iter_frames for...
When the pose graph is cyclic (e.g. A->B->C->A), [the while loop in `graph_to_edges`](https://github.com/jgraving/DeepPoseKit/blob/b817ddfdc56f81145cf1c955953999b49ccdcbab/deepposekit/utils/keypoints.py#L49) is infinite. I [solved this in my fork](https://github.com/richard-warren/DeepPoseKit/commit/2605047cb8ff07f7888f196f67310bffd4c38a18) by detecting cycles and giving them all their own...
Here's a simple fix preventing edges from being drawn to connect a feature with another un-labelled feature, which will have coordinates of [-999999 -999999].
Hi, Many people collect videos at much higher spatial resolution than is necessary to perform accurate tracking (myself included). It would be great to have optional MaxPooling2D layer(s) at the...