Richard Johnson

Results 9 issues of Richard Johnson

2.0.0-dev.4 introduces `listenSelf` on providers. When used with a `StateNotifierProvider` the arguments to the `listenSelf` function are typed for the notifier and not the state. We were expecting that the...


This code works as expected: Test 1 Test 1 content Test 1 inner Test 1 inner content Press the `Test 1` button and the first modal is displayed with `Test...

Widget Request

Time Machine works great for Flutter iOS/Android and even AngularDart (one web platform). I'm sure you're aware that there's a new web platform that is looking quite promising - Flutter...

PR #52 effectively makes Flutter a requirement for non-web use (web support uses different code). The PR extended the non-web platform checks that require a Flutter `rootBundle` from `isIOS`, `isAndroid`,...

TimeMachine provides 3 major components: library, timezone data, culture data. The library is unsurpassed in providing *correct* datetime calculations. I'm glad to see TimeMachine getting NNBD conversion - and a...

Under Flutter web, `TimeMachine.initialize()` throws `SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'open' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Invalid URL` when run with an IPv6 web address such as `http://[::1]:51973/...`. The address `[::1]` is equivalent to...

Please support authenticating with the Google recommended [Workload Identity Federation]( instead of using a Cloud Service Account Key JSON secret text/file. Github supports it as [OpenID Connect]( Google has created...


I've just received an email reminder that `Cloud Debugger` is being shutdown May 31, 2023. Its replacement is [`Snapshot Debugger`]( It would be useful to have the the current IntelliJ...


Using IMap.getKey() to check if a key exists should return None() if the key doesn't exist. Instead it was throwing "Null check operator used on a null value". This fix...