Rich Boyce
Rich Boyce
Just noticed this with 4.17.3. Any word on how to resolve? Should we be setting these in ``` dataSource.dbCreate=none grails.plugin.databasemigration.updateOnStart=true ```
Note that [this]( did not work in our environment. Rundeck still threw an error when attempting to delete a job after modifying the `scheduled_execution_stats` table in the suggested way. However,...
@fdevans Thanks for the reply. I've tried 4.17 and it doesn't address the issue I was seeing. After a lot more investigation it became clear that the root cause of...
That wasn't the issue here - the default value was correct, the failure was that Rundeck was rejecting (with status 500) any attempt at setting project configuration via the API...
As a workaround, enabling the [Legacy XML API behavior]( seems to allow job creation by the terraform provider to succeed, in Rundeck 5.1.0-20240214. We just set the following: ``` rundeck.feature.legacyXml.enabled=true...